Learning to stand on your own two feet together

Give the orphans of Tanzania a future

We provide a positive and safe environment for vulnerable Tanzanian orphans in which they can fully develop so that they can eventually become adults who contribute to the Tanzanian community.


Reception Home
Reception Home
In 2004 we started converting a house into an orphanage. After two renovations, it is now the shelter for incoming children and outgoing young adults.
Relatives Support Program
Relatives Support
The children are assigned to us by the regional youth care. Our priority is to try to find relatives with whom they can be placed.
Children's village
Children's village
Our children's village is unique. The design is based on our living concept to let the children grow up in a family situation. A family consists of a maximum of ten children with one mother.

Offer orphans a 'home'

where they are safe, receive regular meals, and just be kids again
to grow up to be responsible citizens with a profession.